A Violation of any of the below Terms of Service will
result in the termination of your account, with or without
service which provides free & paid web hosting. We offer our
free members up to 5Mb of web space. TANGATANGA reserves the
right to cancel any account for any reason or no reason at all.
provides web hosting to any site that abides to our terms and
conditions. TANGATANGA reserves the
right to change the terms and conditions at any time. TANGATANGA users are
entirely liable for all activities conducted through your
DISCLAIMER: Although TANGATANGA does it utmost best to
provide a 100% up-and-running service, we shall not be held
responsible whatsoever for any problems or data loss!
The following rules apply while using TANGATANGA services:
- Pornographic, obscene, nude, graphically violent, and other
inappropriate content is strictly prohibited.
- Offensive and indecent directory names are not allowed and will
be blocked.
not responsible for the content of any member homepages.
- We reserve the right to remove any homepages that are in
violation of our terms and conditions.
- Members will be held legally responsible for the contents of
their web pages for, but not limited to use of copyrighted material
without the permission of the author or posting material considered
indecent for minors.
- The use of TANGATANGA blogs for
illegal purposes is strictly forbidden and the homepage will be
removed without notice.
membership will be revoked if any of the following activities
- Adult or Pornographic related
- Warez or Software Piracy related
- Music Piracy Related
- Hacking Related
- Making available copyrighted software which has been "cracked"
(e.g., copyright protection for the software has been removed)
- Making available serial numbers for software which can be used
to illegally validate or register software.
- Making available tools which can be used for no purpose other
than "cracking" software.
- Spamming to promote your website
- Anything related to illegal activity
We do not allow any type of programs, software, or MP3 files on
our server unless you are the full owner and have all rights to the
file. This includes files with the following extensions: our server
.rar, .arj, .tar, .mp3 or .exe. Copyrighted files will be deleted
without notice!
You and any person who has access to your account must evaluate,
and bear the risk associated with, the accuracy, completeness or
usefulness of any Content. TANGATANGA reserves the
right to remove Content which is deemed in TANGATANGA sole discretion
harmful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of the Rules or any
rules or policies TANGATANGA has in place at
the time.
You or TANGATANGA may terminate
your Account at any time for any reason. To remove your TANGATANGA site and
account, login and visit your 'Account' section.
not be liable for any of its services. We have the right to cancel
our service at any time, and we will not be liable for any files
that are lost and/or corrupted which may occur from a system crash
or hard disk failure.
To the full extent permissible under the applicable law, TANGATANGA shall not be
liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or
consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use
All users are required to have the TANGATANGA FreeBar Code on
their website. This adds a very small strip at the bottom of the
website saying, "This website is hosted by TANGATANGA - FREE Travel
Diary with 5MB webspace!"
Other restrictions apply to all non-VIP accounts including
unavailability of several site addons and extras.
In addition, sites older than 14 days that have not signed up
for any VIP services or registered a domain name will automatically
have advertisements inserted in the right pane of the site.
Users may get rid of the ads and the FreeBar at any time by
upgrading their account to VIP status at any time by signing up for
any of our paid services.
All templates offered by TANGATANGA are copyrighted
material. Such templates are offered for use to TANGATANGA users under
license only, and are not offered for sale or unbridled use. Such
license limits use of TANGATANGA templates to
sites hosted by TANGATANGA. TANGATANGA templates may
not be transferred to or hosted on another web host or Internet
Service Provider.
Extra Policies :