Our story

Last Update 18 October 2006 | 0 Comments

Here's a little bit about us....
Aisling is a half Offaly (her mother), half Tipp (her Father) woman who's family currently resides in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary after moving there from Birr (coldest place in Ireland) Co. Offaly when she was 10 and had not yet discovered the ability to control her parents. She is the eldest of three siblings (Hi Shane, Hi Dearbhaill!) but acts like the parent.
Emily lives up the road in Templemore Co. Tipperary, a fugitive from Germany and England hiding under the nose of the Garda Siochana. Born in Germany to an Irish Mother and a Welsh Father (who clearly never wanted her to hold allegiance to any one country) they moved her to England aged 12, from which she fled, aged 18, to college in Ireland. She is the youngest of three siblings who are all resident to different countries. They get on, really they do.
Grainne was born and bred in West Cork and may mention this to anyone who will listen. Vex her and you will hear the Cork accent - don't vex her and you may think her an Aussie. She is the eldest of four and rightly called No.1 by her Father.  She is a walking memory bank and mine of information; hence the nickname work gave her - Google.
Lorna is a mixture of many counties (Galway, Limerick, West Meath, Longford, Dublin – I could go on) and in her confusion/indecision, settled in the middle of Ireland in Athlone, Co West Meath to avoid favouritism to any particular part of the country. She is the second youngest in a family of four and blessed with the two CUTEST nephews in the world, Harry and Andrew.
Una is a fellow NUI, Galway student who fell in with the wrong crowd (Lorna and Grainne) in college much to the despair of her parents. She is the youngest of two girls and also from Athlone Co Westmeath. 

How they met...
Grainne Emily and Lorna met in college in Galway doing their undergraduate degrees in Arts.  Grainne and Lorna lived together in the University accommodation (Corrib Village) and are friends by way of random numerical selection. Grainne assisted Emily in Irish to English translation during the first few days in college in Galway when a very flustered Emily was near tears in a desperate search for the student bar.
Aisling and Emily met through mutual friends in Tipperary and clung to each other when it was discovered they were both moving to the big smoke completely friendless to do their Postgraduate courses (ok maybe that was just Emily then).  They agreed to live together in UCD and Grainne was dragged into the mix as well.  The successful harmony continued and all three lived together in Dublin when they began the dreaded 9-5pm (or in Aislings’ case 10-6pm) daily slog that is work.  Lorna lived up the road on the Dublin and Meath border just 10 miles away, becoming the fourth roommate as she was in the house so often. (She used and abused us most Thursday nights as she boogied on down in Coppers then required a place to crash while she slept off the vodka cranberries.  Naturally we accompanied her to these dens of inequities in order to ensure she was appropriately chaperoned at all times.) 
Una was a late, but welcome, addition to our party joining us in Perth, Western Australia at the end of April 2006. She hung out, travelled and partied with us for four fabulous months, only to abandon us for her homeland at the end of August 2006.  Una we will miss you. 

True friends I hear you say - well, yes we are. And thus ends the story of how Aisling, Grainne, Emily, Lorna and Una met and ended up on the other side of the world together.  For the in between bits - check out our stories.



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