


"You can check out but you can never leave"....

11 April 2006 | Last Update 01 June 2006

LUANG PRABANG This quote taken from Eagles Hotel California seems appropriate for our initial impression of Luang Prabang. We arrived there on the Tuesday after a pleasant bus journey from Van Vieng (relieved that our "guide" wasn't heading our way too after spotting him in guesthouse lobb...

Rub-a-dub-tub in Vang Vieng

10 April 2006 | Last Update 01 June 2006

We arrived in Vang Vieng after was what a relatively pleasant bus journey from Vientienne of approximately 6 hours. (6 hours is now a walk in the park after the infamous 19 hour journey from Vietnam). The bus dropped us at an idyllic guest house set on the side of the river in relative isolation fro...

Vientiane, Laos - The S is Silent

06 April 2006 | Last Update 01 June 2006

I had a bad feeling about Laos before we ever even got there because this country has had no Cinema since the advent of home video rental in the early eighties. Please note this if you feel that my memoirs are overly negative, I felt it was a personal slight. Well the strange thing about Vienti...

Journey from Nam to Laos - Undertake at own Risk!

06 April 2006 | Last Update 01 June 2006

This is a harrowing tale of escape from one communist nation to another, of families torn apart, friend thrown against friend more profoundly this is actually a tale about backache, sleep deprivation and the inability of some morons to pay heed to a non-smoking sign! (I can still smell the smok...

New Year Festival (Songkran) in Luang Prabang (3)

15 April 2006 | Last Update 15 April 2006

  • Water fight on street
  • Loyalties did not last long - each man/woman for t
  • Water fight on street - water guns were a must hav

General (3)

14 April 2006 | Last Update 03 December 2010

  • Scenery from Vang Vieng, Laos
  • Scenery from Vang Vieng, Laos
  • Scenery from Vang Vieng, Laos

Tubing in Vang Vieng (8)

10 April 2006 | Last Update 10 April 2006

  • Lorna and Grainne
  • Emily climbing on to the rope swing
  • Grainne tubing
  • Grainne Aisling and Lorna enjoying a quiet beer af
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