03 January 2007
Last Update 29 January 2007
Well we knew that this day was coming for a while but did never prepare us for it! So we decided the best way to go our separate ways was on a full stomach so we went for that last supper or in our case the last breakfast. So after a fine feed we hugged and said goodbye to Emily and Aisling for two ...
27 December 2006
Last Update 09 February 2007
So the 27th of December saw us get up a little tired from Stephens night festivies which had to be the quietest stepens night i ever had but was still hungover. Emily, Aisling and Benny headed out to pick up rental car so we left Christchurch and our little christmas aptartments at 11am. Now we knew...
26 December 2006
Last Update 02 February 2007
Stephens Day, or Boxing Day as they say in New Zealand, arrived upon us, as it often does right after Christmas Day, and we felt we had to bring a little Irishness to the whole day so we selected a Pub Crawl as the main activity of the day. I can hear the sarcastic gasps of shock and...
18 December 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
As Lorna has said, we left Kaikoura after a sampling of Crayfish and pointed our vehicle in the direction of Chirstchurch, (unfortunately it was a car and not a plane as apparently we are not experienced enough quote unquote, to fly a plane into Christchurch airport - even though - HELLO - we h...
17 December 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
Well after Nelson we headed in the direction of Christchurch for the 18th for the arrival of Miss Karen Lewis, which we were all waiting with bated breath. So on our way from Nelson we stopped off in Blenheim as a half way mark for some lunch and light shopping as we had picked out our secret ...
15 December 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
Wellington, the capital (accepted by everyone - not like how everyone is aware that Cork is the real capital of Ireland but we don´t want the influx of tourist´s and politicans and so we "call" Dublin the Capital) is the southern-most city (like Cork) on the Nort...
14 December 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
Well after a very scenic and smooth crossing form the north island to the south we headed for Nelson on the north west coast. Now Nelson and Napier battle it out in New Zealand for getting the best meaning the hottest weather. Now Nelson did not disappoint us it was lovely and sunny while we were th...
02 December 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
After our rather wet stop we motored on to Rotorua. Now Rotorua is basically on a volcanic belt in New Zealand which is great yeah seeing as the park next to us had its last eruption only back in 2002! Wonderful. Now we arrived very hungry and headed for Mad Dog café a must if you are in...
26 November 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
So early Sunday morning with our luggage in tow we checked out of hostel and packed up on passion wagon! Well no quite so much passion there is alot of love in the car though, i would like to say it was like Thelma and Louise but it is more like if they didn't jump off the cliff and went back ...
20 November 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
So we lost Aisling - (by accident!!) and Grainne and myself, after a swift sleep-deprived goodbye and a short plane ride, found ourselves in Christchurch - we had made it to New Zealand! The sun was shining, and although it was a little on the chilly side (ok it was goddam freezing) ...
07 November 2006
Last Update 29 January 2007
Well after a packed weekend off revelry which included a farewell to the tea gardens with Helen on Friday night while girls went to Hard Fi, then races on Saturday sore head I have to say but I battled on. Sunday brought around Grainnes Birthday. Monday was spent trying to catch up on some sle...