


Boats & buckets

08 November 2008 | Last Update 08 November 2008

Congratulations to the De Backers with future winger Anders Hendrik Johannes, the Baeyessen with future singer Eve, the Obama's with Barack for becoming the first 'President of the World' and to Sarah Palin for thinking Afrika is a country! Originally, my plan was to include a visit to Lha...

Khao San Road

16 October 2008 | Last Update 16 October 2008

is the name of the 'Bangkok-Ramblas'. After the flight from Kathmandu to Bangkok the same day as the Lukla-crash, seeing a big international airport was very mind-settling. By far the biggest airport I've ever seen actually, it has 3 floors! Once in the city center, I met up with Vitor the Brazilian...

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